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Start Bicycle Leasing in Education: Sustainable, Healthy and Without Additional Work Pressure

From 2025, Flemish educational institutions will also be able to benefit from the tax advantage of bicycle leasing. This means that staff members in Flemish education will be given the opportunity to lease a bicycle. But how exactly does this work? At RAIDA Lease, we have listed the ins and outs of bicycle leasing in education for you. Do you want to know how you can offer bicycle leasing within your educational institution and what this entails? Then read on and discover everything you need to know!

Bicycle leasing for educational institutions

Why would a school or educational institution offer bicycle leasing? What are the benefits, and what matters do you need to arrange? Here we discuss the most important points, so that you can start well prepared with bicycle leasing.

Which Educational Institutions Are Eligible?

Educational institutions such as primary schools, secondary schools, adult education centres and colleges can all offer bicycle leasing to their employees. Universities fall under a different scheme, but they too can offer bicycle leasing under specific conditions.

Why Offer Bicycle Leasing?

Bicycle leasing is a popular secondary benefit that is increasingly offered in both the private and public sectors. The advantages are numerous:

  • Cost-effective: Bicycle leasing is budget neutral for the school and offers tax benefits for staff.

  • Sustainability: It contributes to the institution's sustainability policy.

  • Health and Wellbeing: Cycling improves the physical and mental health of staff and can contribute to lower absenteeism.

How does bicycle leasing work in education?

As an educational institution, you decide for yourself whether you want to offer bicycle leasing and how you organize this. This can be done via a public tender or via a purchasing center. From September 2024, educational institutions can start with bicycle leasing, with permanent staff being able to lease a bicycle from January 2025. Temporary staff will follow from January 2026.

Customised bicycle leasing

Drawing up a lease contract that meets the needs of your educational institution is essential. You determine the conditions yourself, such as:

  • Costs and Duration: Which bicycles are offered, how long the contract lasts, and which additional services are included.

  • Automation and Ease of Use: Our tools make the process simple and efficient, with minimal paperwork.

RAIDA Lease: Your Partner in Bicycle Leasing

RAIDA Lease not only offers bicycles, but also full support in the implementation of bicycle leasing. From administrative automation to personal guidance, we ensure that your workload remains minimal. Choose the experience and expertise of RAIDA and join the many other educational institutions that already benefit from the advantages of bicycle leasing.

Want to know more?

Want to learn more about how to start bike leasing within your educational institution without any additional workload? Contact us for an exploratory conversation. Our experts are ready to answer all your questions and support you with the next steps.

Contact our leasing experts now via: or 050 89 73 66

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